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in horribly racist column about Ferguson

Rocker, right wing polemicist, and Republican campaigner Ted Nugent has launched yet another racist tirade, penning a column in which he assails Ferguson thugs and a purported plague of black violence and demands that African Americans stop supporting liberal politicians.

Nugent s latest racist outburst which comes after the entertainer called our first African American president a subhuman mongrel and defended the South African apartheid system and thpatagonia better sweater vest natural2e use of the n word arrived in the form of his column for far right website WorldNetDaily.

He begins his column by noting that a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri was recently shot as he investigated a break in. (Officials have said that the shooting was unrelated to protests over the August shooting of unarmed black teen Michael Brown by Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson.) Nugent wonders why the media have made it a pointnotto describe the suspect or suspects the police are searching for, and then proceeds to draw his own conclusions about the suspects.

Based on crime stats in Ferguson and elsewhere, Nugent writes, it would be a safe bet to assume the two thugs the police are looking for are black males between the age of 15 and 25.

And because a right wing rant about race would be incomplete without deploying stereotypes, he goes on to predict that the two thugs being searched for were raised by a single parent, have criminal records, are high school dropouts, don t have jobs and are very likely to be members of a gang.

Nugent seizes on the episode to denounce the plague of black violpatagonia better sweater vest naturalence [that] has infested our inner cities (despite media hype, no such plague exists). The acclaimed sociologist then asserts patagonia better sweater vest natural3that Fedzilla s welfare crack programs are resppatagonia better sweater with hoodonsible for African Americans grievances, since they ve engendered dependency.

He chose not to dwell on police officers wanton shooting of unarmed black men;widespread, racially discriminatory policies like redlining that have cut African American families off from resources, jobs, and social networks; or the persistence of economic and employment discrimination against black people. No, killer liberalism is the real problem, Nugent concludes, and only by renouncing it will African Americans finally see their lot improve.

Such a blatantly bigoted analysis, which betrays a fundamental ignorance of how oppression works in 21st century America, would be easy to dismiss as the asinine worldview of a marginal crank if it weren t shared by so many on the American right.

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Here by Richard McGuire

A six page version of this innovative work by a regular contributor to the New Yorker first appeared in RAW magazine 25 years ago. Each two page spread depicts a single place, sometimes occupied by a corner of a room, over the course of 4 billion years. The oldest image is a blur of pink and purple gases; others depict hazmat suited explorers from 300 years in the future. Inset images show the changing decor and inhabitants of the house throughout its existence: family photos, quarrels, kids in Halloween costumes, a woman reading a book, a cat walking across the floor. The cumulative effect is serene and ravishing, an intimation of the immensity of time and the wonder embodied in the humblest things.

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