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washington Ju Hong s voice rang out loud and clear, interrupting the most powerful man in the world.

You have a power to stop deportation for all undocumented immigrants in this countrybanco patagonia e bank! the young South Korean man yelled at President Obama during a speech on immigration reform last November in San Francisco. Waving away security guards, Mr. Obama turned and addressed Mr. Hong, himself undocumented. Actually, I don t, the president said. And that s why we re here.

We ve got this Constitution, we ve got this whole thing about separation of powers, Obama continued. So there is no shortcut to politics, and there s no shortcut to democracy.

The president (or his administration) has unilaterally changed elements of the Affordable Care Act (ACA); declared an anti gay rights law unconstitutional; lifted the threat of depopatagonia wetsuits online europertation for an entire class of undocumented immigrants; bypassed Senate confirmation of controversial nominees; waived compliance requirements in education law; and altered the work requirements under welfare reform. This month, the Obama administration took the highly unusual step of announcing that it will recognize gay marriages performed in Utah even though Utah itself says it will not recognize them while the issue is pending in court.

Early in his presidency, Obama also expanded prpatagonia better sweater jacket tealesidential warmaking powerpatagonia better sweater womens coats, surveillance of the American public, and extrajudicial drone strikes on alleged terrorists outside the United States, including Americans going beyond Mr. Bush s own global war on terror following 9/patagonia buy uk311. But more recently, he has flexed his executive muscle more on domestic policy.

To critics, Obama is the ultimate imperial president, willfully violating the Constitution to further his goals, having failed to convince Congress of the merits of his arguments.

The course of Obama s final three years in office, in which he has promised continuing assertive use of executive action, will be shaped by this debate.
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On the eve of Obama s fifth State of the Union message, on Jan. 28, the prespatagonia buy ukident faces a steep challenge. His job approval has plummeted to the low 40s, following the disastrous rollout of his health care reform and public outrage over massive data collection by the National Security Agency. Unemployment is falling steadily but remains high, at 6.7 percent.

We re 4 1/2 years into an alleged recovery, and most Americans still think we re in a recession, says William Galston, a Clinton White House veteran and scholar at the Brookings Institution in Washington.

Even though Obama will never face the voters again, he has plenty of incentive to boost his game. Now he s playing for his legacy, and the judgment of the history books. Politically, he s playing for the final national election of his presidency next November s midterms, in which Democratic control of the Senate is at risk. Reclaiming the House from the Republicans is close to impossible. Divided government is Obama s near certain reality for the rest of his presidency.

Still, keeping the Senate in Democratic hands remains critical to Obama s legacy: It will allow him to confirm presidential nominees including most judges, who have lifetime tenure with a simple majority after Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid engineered a rule change last November.

Restoring public confidence in Obama s trustworthiness and competence as an executive is also critical, as the president tries to move beyond the Obamacare fiasco and National Security Agency snooping. Republicans are already firmly lashing the health reform s woes to Democratic candidates necks. But nothing will impress voters more than a sense that their personal financial situation is improving. Cue Obama s focus on what he calls the defining challenge of our time, growing inequality and a lack of upward mobility. It will be a central theme in the State of the Union message, including a call for Congress to boost the federal minimum wage.

Early in the new year, White House officials were cautiously optimistic that the December budget deal may signal new momentum toward bipartisan cooperation, at least in future budgetary and fiscal matters. Republicans would rather keep the spotlight on Obamacare woes than risk public blame for another government shutdown or more brinkmanship over the debt ceiling, which the Treasury Department says will be reached in late February.

But one point is certain: It s a new day for Team Obama. John Podesta,patagonia argentina beautiful place to live former chief of staff to President Clinton and a turnaround artist, has put on his cape apatagonia better sweater vest for mennd swooped into the West Wing for a one year tour as a counselor. The president has also brought back the highly regarded Phil Schiliro to oversee the continuing health care rollout and made deputy communications director (and Capitol Hill insider) Katie Beirne Fallon his legislative affairs director.

But it s the arrival of Mr. Podesta that has Washington buzzing. He ran the Obama transition after his first election and then repaired to his think tank, the Center for American Progress, resisting entreaties to join the administration. Most important, his passion is climate change, and he s a big believer in executive action by the president himself, as well as via agency rules and regulations.

I think patagonia employment opportunities new orleans[White House officials] were naturally preoccupied with legislating at first, and I think it took them a while to make the turn to execution. They are focused on that now, Podesta told Politico last year before agreeing to his new White House gig. He can drive a whole range of action. They always grasped that on foreign policy and in the national security area. patagonia everlong review letterNow they are doing it on the domestic side.

The (un)limits of executive power

Starting with George Washington, American presidents have used executive orders, proclampatagonia buy uk2ations, and other techniques to wield power, usually without controversy. These moves can be as important as the Emancipation Proclamation, and as trivial as an executive order allowing federal workers to leave work early on Christmas Eve.

They carry the force of law, but are ill defined. Legal scholars disagree even on whether there s a constitutional bright line that defines what a president can do on his own and what requires congressional action.

It gets controversial when a president simply states that he s acting under the power granted to him by the Constitution and laws of the United States, says Phillip J. In his first presidential campaign, Obama decried Bush s practice, but as president, he has continued it.

In their use of executive orders, Bush and Obama are virtually tied: In his first five years in office, Bush issued 165 orders, versus 167 by Obama. But a bean counting approach doesn t capture the scope of a president s approach to executive power. In my view, Obama has surpassed George W. Bush in the level of circumvention of Congress and the assertion of excessive presidential power. I don t think it s a close question.

Mapatagonia buy uk1ny of Obama s most controversial power plays have come through means other than executive orders. Here are some examples:

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA).

If they meet the criteria for eligibility, they are shielded temporarily from deportation and allowed to work. The DACA program enacted many of the goals of the failed DREAM Act legislation, though it does not create a path to citizenship.

Critics say that waiving deportation laws for more than a million people is not prosecutorial discretion it s policymaking by executive fiat, usurping the role of Congress. Simon Lazarus, senior counsel at the Constitutional Accountability Center, disagrees, calling DACA perfectly compatible with the president s discretion in the immigration area.

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