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Controlling your tempo (speed of repetitions) is a great way to get more out of every set. Using a number to represent the length in seconds of each phase of the rep is an easy way to manipulate your tempos. The first phase is the eccentric (lowering); the second is at the bottom of the movement; the third is the concentric (discount patagonia backpacklifting); and the final phase is the pause at the top of the movement. A 3 2 1 0 rep,patagonia everlong review 5 popular3 for example, is lowering the bar over three seconds, a two second pause patagonia outlet stores onlineat the bottom, and lifting over one second with no pause on top between reps. Executing the rep in this manner is much more dipatagonia rv park patagonia arizona reviewsfficult than simply bouncing the weights up and down. Initially, you may see some decrease in the poundages you can use, but strength will increase rapidly over time.

When uspatagonia everlong review 5 popular2ing very heavy weight loads, your sets should last 15 20 seconds as ypatagonia everlong review 5 popular0our number of reps will be small. Accelerating the loads concentrically should always be emphasised when trainpatagonia environmental grants qualitying to increase power.

Using an athletic squat stance, lower to parallel in three seconds with no patagonia everlong review used carspause on botpatagonia everlong review 5 popular1tom and accelerate upward apatagonia everlong review 5 populars fast as you can while maintaining control of the bar bell with no pause on top. This would effectivepatagonia guide jacket optionly be a 3 0 x 0 tempo, where x is your quicpatagonia guide jacket 57kest possible pace. Use a load that is tough enough so you can only get six reps, but only do four in this case so you can maximise the speed at which you push up the bar.

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